坚持的力量 The Power of Insistence
  Last night, I watched a tennis game, it was the US open, because there was a Chinese female player came to t…|05-09
来源:互联网作者:EN.HXW.RED收 藏

李娜的退役 Li Na’s Retiring
  Since I went to high school, I like to watch tennis match so much, because the tennis match can help me reli…|05-07
来源:互联网作者:EN.HXW.RED收 藏

兴趣是最好的老师 Interest Is the Best Teacher
  When I learned English, I felt so hard, because no matter hard I tried, I just could not understand the gram…|05-06
来源:互联网作者:EN.HXW.RED收 藏

看看世界 Take a Look At the World
  Today, more and more use cell phone, if we take a notice, we can find no matter where they are, people alway…|05-05
来源:互联网作者:EN.HXW.RED收 藏

我的坏脾气 My Bad Temper
  I have a bad behavior, when I get angry, I will fight back and say the bad words which will hurt other peopl…|05-04
来源:互联网作者:EN.HXW.RED收 藏

成长的烦恼 The Annoyances in Growing Up
  Since I go to high school, I have many annoyances. On the one hand, I am under great pressure on my study, I…|05-02
来源:互联网作者:EN.HXW.RED收 藏

国外教育 Foreign Education
  During these years, more and more parents trend to send their kids to study abroad, it is true that foreign …|05-01
来源:互联网作者:EN.HXW.RED收 藏

我能照顾自己 I Can Take Care of Myself
  Last night, my parents told me that they needed to go out for work at night, so they couldn’t cook for me, t…|04-29
来源:互联网作者:EN.HXW.RED收 藏