标签:小学  来源:JooZone  作者:本站整理  发布时间:2012-05-15  ★★★加入收藏〗〖手机版
摘要:小升初英语作文,夜莺The Nightingale…
小升初英语作文,夜莺The Nightingale

文章细节:JOOZONE 发表时间:2010-2012-23

Once a Chinese emperor had a nightingale That kept him very happy day and night. The nightingale sang beautiful songs that kept the emperor in good health and spirit. One day someone gave the emperor mechanical bird as a present. The emperor would wind the key and the bird would sing his song. This new toy thrilled the emperor so much that he forgot his nightingale. The nightingale left the palace. One day the mechanical bird broke down. The emperor’s health declined because his life had no songs to Cheer him. Finally the nightingale returned, and The emperor recovered his health and spirit.



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