标签:小学  来源:作文地带  作者:本站整理  发布时间:2012-11-03  ★★★加入收藏〗〖手机版
摘要:小学英语作文,小学英语作文:Shopping in Xia Jiu Road 购物…
好学英文网范文: 小学英语作文:Shopping in Xia Jiu Road 购物 小学英语作文,小学英语作文:Shopping in Xia Jiu Road 购物

正文内容如下:Shopping in Xia Jiu Road 购物

Saturday,March 4th  Sunny

“What a beautiful day! The sky is blue and the clouds are white.” Said my mother. “Yes. Let’s go to Xia Jiu Road.” Said my father. I was really happy and I jumped very high.

Xia Jiu Road is more famous than the other shopping centers, because everyone says “Xia Jiu Road is the shopping world.” I saw a clothes shop over there, and I said to my parents, “Mum, Dad, let’s go in!” Mum and Dad looked me and said, “You are really a child.” I was really perky(神气的) and said “OK. Let’s just go in !” I bought a lot of beautiful clothes. My parents were unhappy. I pat on their shoulders and said, “Don’t be angry, because everyone says ‘Fine clothes make the man’, isn’t it?” My parents said together, “No, it isn’t. But we all love you. ” We laughed together and my parents were happy again.

Today I was very happy, because I bought a lot of clothes and had a good time. I don’t think “You can’t eat the cake and have it”is right.



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  新加坡是亚洲的一个小国。现在它有大约400万人口,其中76%是华人。英语和汉语是新加坡的官方语言。Singapore is a s…
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