标签:小学  来源:网络资源  作者:本站整理  发布时间:2010-08-30  ★★★加入收藏〗〖手机版
摘要:I have moved to my new school since Septmber. It is a modern and nice school which is in _____(city). It has a playground, a libra…

I have moved to my new school since Septmber. It is a modern and nice school which is in _____(city). It has a playground, a library, several labs, classrooms with electronic equipment and so on. It's好学英文网提供范文 quite different from my old school. It's larger, much more modern. This is why I love my new school. If you are free, you are warmly welcomed to come to our school to have a look.


新加坡简介|About Singapore
  新加坡是亚洲的一个小国。现在它有大约400万人口,其中76%是华人。英语和汉语是新加坡的官方语言。Singapore is a s…
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