标签:小学  来源:互联网  作者:本站整理  发布时间:2010-08-14  ★★★加入收藏〗〖手机版
摘要:It is 315 in about ten days,what shall I do on that day?What's my dream about that day?I don't know,I as a little boy,have no mone…

It is 315 in about ten days,what shall I do on that day?What's my dream about that day?I don't know,I as a little boy,have no money.What I own is given by my mother.I just have a dream that every business man can do the right thing and sell perfect product but not the broken one.It's simple,but it's my dream for 315.I hope it will come true.

英语作文点评:Generation Gap 代沟
  • 好学触屏公众号虎力全开、杨帆起航!
  • 好学考试H5触屏版开放内测