学段:小学  学科:英语  标签:小学  来源:互联网  作者:当代-本站整理  发布时间:2010-05-30  ★★★加入收藏〗〖手机版
摘要:今天是六一儿童节(Today is Children’s Day)今天是六一儿童节,我父亲带我去了动物园玩。我见到很多动物,比如:老虎,熊猫,狮子,大象,长颈鹿以及狗熊等等。…

今天是六一儿童节(Today is Children’s Day)

Today is Children’s Day.My father takes me to the zoo.There are many kinds of animals,the tigers, the pandas,the lions, the elephants,the giraffes,the bears and so on.


They are different from each other,some are shy, some are beautiful, some are interesting , some are friendly, some are so cute. But I think these animals are unhappy, they should live in the forest,because the life in the zoo are different from that in the forest.



新加坡简介|About Singapore
  新加坡是亚洲的一个小国。现在它有大约400万人口,其中76%是华人。英语和汉语是新加坡的官方语言。Singapore is a s…
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