标签:原创  来源:作文地带  作者:本站整理  发布时间:2011-10-29  ★★★加入收藏〗〖手机版
摘要:英语作文:写信推销自己的产品给客户 Dear Sir/Madam, Hi, this is Joyce Lee from China. We are Auplex Appliance Company and manufacturer who have spec…


Dear Sir/Madam,

Hi, this is Joyce Lee from China.

We are Auplex Appliance Company and manufacturer who have specialized in ×××(产品名称) for 8 years.

Our key products are ×××(产品名称型号介绍) with high quality and competitive price in present China market.

1. Do you have plan to import quality and inexpensive ×××(产品名称)?
2. Do you want to find a reliable supplier in China?

Any suggestion or question, just contact me at any time.

Sincerely looking forward to your inquiry.

Thanks and best regards.



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