标签:原创  来源:互联网  作者:本站整理  发布时间:2011-06-22  ★★★加入收藏〗〖手机版
摘要:College Pressure大学生的压力英语作文带翻译主要写了大学生压力来源,大学生生活压力是如何形成的。等一系列问题,主要今天的大学生有两种压力:经济压力和来自父母的压力。环顾四周你很容易发觉一些叛逆者,他们指责学校收费太高,来自父母的压力太大。但他们不…

College Pressure大学生的压力英语作文带翻译
I see two kinds of pressure working on college students today: economic pressure, parental pressure. It is easy to look around for rebels-- to blame the colleges for charging too much money, the parents for pushing their children too far. But there are no rebels, only victims.
The pressure is heavy on students who just want to graduate and get a job. If I were an employer I would rather employ graduates who have this range and curiosity than those who narrowly pursued safe subjects and high grades. I know incalculable students whose inquiring minds cheer me. I like to hear the play of their ideas. I don't know if they are getting A or C, and I don't care. I also like them as people. The country needs them, and they will find satisfying jobs. I tell them to relax. They can't.From hxw.red.
Nor can I blame them. They live in a brutal economy.Today it is not unusual for a student, even if he works part time at college and full time during the summer, to increase to 5, 000 in loans after graduation. Encouraged at commercialize to go forth into the world, he is already behind as he goes forth. How could he not feel under pressure throughout college to prepare for this day of reckoning?
Along with economic pressure goes parental pressure.Inevitably, the two are deeply integrated.

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