标签:作文  来源:互联网  作者:EN.HXW.RED  发布时间:2010-01-21  ★★★加入收藏〗〖手机版
摘要:The tale is mainly about the revolution in France, though the author wrote quite a lot about the love triangle between Lucie, Char…
The tale is mainly about the revolution in France, though the author wrote quite a lot about the love triangle between Lucie, Charles and Sydney. But I thought Dickens mainly wanted to tell us the society problem and the background at that time.In this novel, Dickens wrote some lively images like Sydney and those crazy revolutionaries. In this tale, we can’t see any absolute roles. Charles, though he was a brave and good man, obviously he hasn’t as much ability as Sydney. Sydney, a typical tragic man in novels, a man like him, usually has great ability—if he wants to do something, nobody can prevent him. But he usually has some weak points on characters and the most important thing is that he always loves a woman he shouldn’t love and 99.99% die for her at last in an extremely heroic or tragic way. The revolutionaries in the tale is not as full of justice and poor as usual. They got mad when they can get revenge for their unfair treatment. The fire of hatred burnt everything. When they were at the bottom of the society, they were calling for justice, for fair treatment, for freedom, but when they were in charge of the society, their world is up-side-down, so it their judgment of the society. They hate everything that connected to the very people who were against them, even including Charles’ wife, Dr Manette’s daughter. So these men are no difference than those former governors at heart. Though Dickens told us how the authority is recycling over and over again in some way, the novel is about something good. Love from Sydney to Lucie is one of the only few bright points in the novel and it’s really great. A man can sacrifice his life to save his lover’s husband. He does not have any personal purpose and just for his lover’s happiness. So Dickens may imply us, only love can solve the problems between people, between the poor and the rich, love is everything.
非法的故事,主要是在法国革命中,作者写道:相当 关于露西之间,查尔斯和悉尼很多三角恋爱。但我认为狄更斯主要是要告诉我们的社会 问题,并在该time.In这本小说的背景下,狄更斯说像悉尼和那些疯狂的一些生动的图像 革命者。在这个故事,我们看不出有什么绝对的作用。查尔斯,尽管他是一个勇敢的好人,很明显他 并不如悉尼多能力。悉尼,一个典型的悲剧小说中的人,像他这样的人,通常具有强大的能力,如果他 想做什么,没有人可以阻止他。但他通常的字符一些薄弱环节和最重要的事情 是,他总是喜欢一个女人,他不应该爱和99.99%,死在她的英雄或极为悲惨的方式。那个 故事中的革命者,是不是充满正义和平常一样贫穷。他们得到了疯狂的时候,他们可以为他们复仇 不公平的待遇。仇恨的火烧毁一切。当他们在社会底层的人,他们要求 公正,公平的待遇,自由,但是当他们在社会的负责人,他们的世界的一面向下,所以 其判断的社会。他们仇恨的一切连接到谁对他们非常的人,甚至包括 查尔斯的妻子,曼内特医生的女儿。因此,这些人只不过是内心的前港督的差异。虽然狄更斯 告诉我们的权力是如何回收遍地又在某种程度上,这部小说是关于做好事。从悉尼的爱 对露西是世界上仅有少数的亮点之一,小说,它的真正伟大的。一个人可以牺牲自己的生命来挽救他 情人的丈夫。他没有任何个人目的,只是为他的情人的幸福。因此,狄更斯可能意味着我们只 爱能解决人与人之间的问题,与穷人和富人,爱就是一切。#p#分页标题#e#