标签:英文  来源:维基百科  作者:本站整理  发布时间:2011-03-03  ★★★加入收藏〗〖手机版
摘要:冰毒英文全称【ice (a popular name for methamphetamine hydrochloride,a deadly addictive stimulant drug)】 好学英文网提供的一篇关于冰毒的英语作文 冰毒化学名:甲基苯丙胺(M…

冰毒英文全称【ice (a popular name for methamphetamine hydrochloride,a deadly addictive stimulant drug)】



"Meth" and "Tik" redirect here. For other uses, see Meth (disambiguation) and Tik (disambiguation).

This article is about the psychostimulant drug, methamphetamine, in both racemic and dextrorotatory forms. For the CNS inactive OTC nasal decongestant, see



Methamphetamine (hxw.red Note:冰毒化学名), also known as metamfetamine (INN for the (+) form), methylamphetamine, N-methylamphetamine, desoxyephedrine,

and colloquially as "meth" or "crystal meth", is a psychostimulant of the phenethylamine and amphetamine class of drugs. It increases alertness,

concentration, energy, and in high doses, can induce euphoria, enhance self-esteem, and increase libido.

Methamphetamine has high potential for abuse and addiction by activating the psychological reward system via triggering a cascading release of dopamine,

norepinephrine and serotonin in the brain. Methamphetamine is FDA approved for the treatment of ADHD and exogenous obesity, marketed in the USA under the

trademark name Desoxyn.

Methamphetamine is illicitly synthesized and then sold in a crystalline form resembling small shards of odorless, bitter-tasting crystals; leading to the

colloquial nickname "crystal meth". Following a period of heavy use, also known as "bingeing", which typically last days or even weeks, a severe withdrawal

syndrome lasting up to 10 days can occur, primarily consisting of depression, fatigue, excessive sleeping and an increased appetite. Chronic methamphetamine

abuse may result in prolonged psychiatric disorders, cognitive impairment, as well as an increased risk of developing Parkinson's disease.

As a result of methamphetamine-induced neurotoxicity to dopaminergic neurons, chronic abuse may also lead to withdrawal symptoms which persist beyond the

withdrawal period for months, and even up to a year.

Research has found that 20% of methamphetamine addicts experience a psychosis resembling schizophrenia which persists for longer than six months post-

methamphetamine use; this amphetamine psychosis can be resistant to traditional treatment.

In addition to psychological harm, physical harm, primarily consisting of cardiovascular damage, may occur with chronic abuse or acute overdose.



甲基苯丙胺與苯丙胺的化學結構非常相似。苯丙胺是由羅馬尼亞化學家 Lazar Edeleanu 於 1887年 首次成功合成的。在近代,苯丙胺的用途及社會評價由輕視轉變至具爭議性到


甲基苯丙胺在第二次世界大戰分別由同盟國與軸心國以Pervitin[1] 之註冊名稱分發予前線,納粹軍廣發甲基苯丙胺予士兵以作興奮劑之用,特別是在蘇德戰爭時的黨衛隊人員及



二十世纪五十年代,美国政府颁布法令将甲基苯丙胺规定为处方药,根据1951年出版的Arthur Grollman所著的《病理与药理学》一书,它可用于治疗嗜睡,后脑炎,帕金森综合征



而美國要在1983年才制定法律管制持有甲基苯丙胺的前驅體和製造設備。1986年,美國制定了一份聯邦管制藥物取締法,名爲Federal Controlled Substance Analogue

Enforcement Act,以打擊“設計毒品”(designer drugs)泛濫。儘管如此,吸食甲基苯丙胺仍在美國郊區(尤其是中西部和南部)上升,直至今日。而各州都在加緊立法打擊。


大麻是“引子毒品”(gateway drug),意思是預防濫用大麻就可以預防濫用諸如冰毒等“硬性”毒品。



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