标签:文化  来源:时代杂志  作者:本站整理  发布时间:2010-08-26  ★★★加入收藏〗〖手机版
摘要:同样喝咖啡,不同的人会选择不同的口味。有些人喜欢黑咖啡,有些人则喜欢糖或者奶再多一点。今天就要给大家介绍一个特殊“品种”的咖啡:Half and half and half “八分之一咖啡”。…

Half and half and half “八分之一咖啡”

同样喝咖啡,不同的人会选择不同的口味。有些人喜欢黑咖啡,有些人则喜欢糖或者奶再多一点。今天就要给大家介绍一个特殊“品种”的咖啡:Half and half and half “八分之一咖啡”。

A type of coffee so diluted by sugar, cream or milk that it no longer tastes like coffee, instead like milk and sugar, and has a beige or light brown color to it. The drink is typically concocted by those who want to appear as if they are drinking coffee but despise the taste.


Anne: Carrol is such a coffee poser, she'll only fill her mug with coffee halfway before she drowns it in milk and sugar.


Jill: Yeah, i hate the taste of her half and half and half.


山西迎泽公园(The Yingze Park)
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