标签:时尚  来源:guardian.co.uk  作者:本站整理  发布时间:2010-08-27  ★★★加入收藏〗〖手机版

A kitten adopted by a long tailed macaque monkey

According to the Daily Telegraph, on August 26, a young long tailed macaque monkey has been spotted in a forest protectively nuzzling and grooming a ginger kitten and making sure no harm came to it. The extraordinary sight was captured by amateur photographer Anne Young while on holiday at the Monkey Forest Park, in the Ubud region of Bali, Indonesia.Joozone Note:Photograph: Solent/Anne Young.

A wild long-tailed macaque monkey has adopted an abandoned kitten, caring for it as his own at Monkey Forest in Ubud, Bali.

These scenes were captured by Anne Young when she was on holiday in Bali, From hxw.red.

Swing me around, Daddy!

Introducing his new cat to his friends.

Father and child.

According to the photographer, the monkey didn't like it when she tried to take pictures, shielding the kitten from the lens.

All These Photo Were Connected By Joozone's Editor.

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