Hong Kong ranks 31st on a 2009 livability survey of world's 140 cities by Economist magazine, the best performance among nine Chinese cities that edged into the list, the China News Agency citing a news report said. The nine Chinese finalists are Tianjin, ranking 72nd, Suzhou, 74th, Beijing, 76th, Shenzhen 82nd, Shanghai, 83rd, Dalian 86th, Guangzhou, 89th, Qingdao, 99th as well as Chinese Taipei, 62nd. The ranking scores each city from 0-100 on 30 factors spread across five areas: stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education, and infrastructure, said the Economist Intelligence Unit. Vancouver's average score was 98, 0.8 less than last year. The top 10 most livable cites, in descending order on the scores, are Vancouver, Vienna, Melbourne, Toronto, Perth and Calgary (both ranking 5th), Helsinki, Geneva, Sydney and Zurich (both ranking 9th). According to the survey, the worst place to live is the Zimbabwean capital Harare.
中新社援引报道称,《经济学人》公布的世界宜居城市调查中,香港在全球140个城市中排名31位,比挤进榜单的其它9个中国城市表现更好。上榜的其它9个中国城市分别是:天津,72位;苏州,74位;北京76位;深圳,82位;上海,83位;大连86位;广州,89位;青岛,99位;台北,62位。而2010冬奥会主办城市加拿大温哥华连续两年成为全球最宜居城市。 经济学人智库(Economist Intelligence Unit)表示,评分时对城市五个方面(政治稳定、医疗保健、文化与环境、教育、基础设施)的30个因素进行评分,分数从0-100分。 温哥华的平均得分是98,比去年少了0.8分。而前十大最宜居城市排名由高到低分别是温哥华、维也纳、墨尔本、多伦多、珀斯和卡尔加里(并列第五)、赫尔辛基、日内瓦、悉尼和苏黎世(并列第九)。而该调查显示,最不适宜居住的城市是津巴布韦首都哈拉雷。