标签:作文  来源:互联网  作者:EN.HXW.RED  发布时间:2010-03-02  ★★★加入收藏〗〖手机版
摘要:countryside. Since the economic conditions there are rather poor, many families,especially in the remote areas, cannot afford to s…

countryside. Since the economic conditions there are rather poor, many families,especially in the remote areas, cannot afford to send their children to school, many children have to drop from school.

我们众所周知,中国是个人口大国(中国是世界上拥有人口最多的国家)并且大多数人都生活在农村。鉴于经济并不发达的国情,很多家庭,尤其在边远地区(remote areas),根本没有条件供养他们的孩子去上学,很多孩子不得不因此失学。

The "Project Hope" is aimed at solving this problem so that every child of school age can receive regular education. hxw.red


One hundred yuan will help such a child finish his primary education.Let's help them.
