标签:作文  来源:互联网  作者:EN.HXW.RED  发布时间:2010-01-13  ★★★加入收藏〗〖手机版
摘要:The whole writing process can be divided into three stages: prewriting, writing, and rewriting. In the prewriting stage, we try to…
The whole writing process can be divided into three stages: prewriting, writing, and rewriting. In the prewriting stage, we try to get dear in our mind what our specific approach to the subject should be, what kind of materials we need, how these materials should be organized and presented to the particular reader we have these in mind. In short, we plan the organization and the content of our projected paper. In the writing stage, execute the plan by writing the first draft. In rewriting, we examine what we have done and consider where and how the first draft can be improved.
The three stages are not always separated as the previous paragraph may suggest. Sometimes, of course, they are separated, especially in working on long research papers. We may prepare extensive notes and draw several outlines before we begin the first draft, and then, perhaps days later, we may do a thorough revision of the draft. But sometimes, especially in writing short papers, we may plan and revise as we write. And often we may modify our original plan during the writing stage, as the actual writing modifies our ideas.
三个阶段的写作过程(写作过程三步骤)汉浯提示:请写一篇150字左右的文章,说明写作过程三步骤:构思,写作和修改。[写作导航] 第一段应采用分类法,列出写作的三阶段:构思,写作和修改;第二段可分别叙述:在构思时,应想清如何入手,选什么材料,如何编排,在写 作时应按构思进行,在修改时,可考虑在何处及如何进行修改,最后指出实际写作时,这三个阶段不一定截然分开,尤其是在写短文章时可能 同时进行。[范文]整个写作过程可分为三个阶段:预写,写和改写。在写前准备阶段,我们试图让我们心中,我们亲爱的什么具体的解决方法 应该是,我们所需要的材料,这些材料是如何去组织和提交给读者,特别是我们这些实物铭记。总之,我们计划的组织和我们的预测文件的内 容。在起草阶段,执行写第一稿的计划。在重写,我们考察我们所做的,并考虑在何处以及如何初稿得到改善。这三个阶段并不总是失散上段 所说的。有时,当然,他们是分开的,尤其是在长期的研究论文工作。我们可能准备大量的笔记,并制订一些轮廓开始之前,我们的第一稿, 然后,或许几天之后,我们可以做一个彻底修订草案。但有时,特别是短期的书面文件,我们可以计划和修订我们写。而且我们还经常可以修 改,在起草阶段,我们原来的计划,因为我们的实际书面修改意见。