标签:大学  来源:互联网  作者:本站整理  发布时间:2012-03-26  ★★★加入收藏〗〖手机版
摘要:英语作文:自我创业(Self-employment) 自我创业的好处之一是生意盈利归业主所有。如果创业者生意成功,他有可能挣很多钱。这些挣来的利润是对业主努力、能力和创造力的回报。 因此,自我创业的第二个好处是一个人的才智和能力直接反映在收入上。…
自我创业的好处之一是生意盈利归业主所有。如果创业者生意成功,他有可能挣很多钱。这些挣来的利润是对业主努力、能力和创造力的回报。 因此,自我创业的第二个好处是一个人的才智和能力直接反映在收入上。 自我创业的第三个优势是自己做老板能够控制自己的工作时间。 虽然不是所有的创业者都有完全的自由,但是相对于工薪族来说,他们大多数人在这方面有更多的支配权。

One of the advantages of being selfemployed is that the profit the business makes belongs to the owner. If the self-employed person succeeds in business, he has the chance to earn a great deal of money. The profit earned is the reward for the owner's effort, ability and creativity. Thus, a second
advantage is that a person's intelligence and abilities have a direct effect on the earnings. A third advantage of being self-employed is that a person can control his working hours.While not all self-employed people are completely free, most of them have more control over this area than the salaried
However, being self-employed is not without problems.First, being one's own boss places the responsibility directly on that individual's shoulders. Everyone has some weaknesses in some things. These weaknesses will affect how successful a self-employed person is. Second, though the self-employed can earn considerable profits with a successful business, losses can force them out of business and sometimes, place them in debt. A third disadvantage concerns income security. Self-
employed people have no guaranteed wage. Their earnings can vary greatly, depending on business conditions. Salaried people, however, can generally count on continued earnings.In addition, salaried people often enjoy fringe benefits that mean greater peace of mind. One of these benefits may be in-
surance paid for by the employer that continues the employee's salary in the event of sickness or accident while many self-employed people do not have such protection.


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