标签:大学  来源:互联网  作者:本站整理  发布时间:2010-02-26  ★★★加入收藏〗〖手机版
摘要:图书馆 问题英语作文 1. 图书馆存在很多的问题, 以下该文重点是给领导写信说明适度改善图书馆服务和条件的范文,您可以适度加入如藏书偏旧,数目较少等问题进行阐述,该文比较简单,在此好学英文网暂不提供中文翻译,为大家提供部分单词的中文解释: Joozone Di…

范文二:图书馆 问题英语作文
1. 图书馆存在很多的问题,

Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writting to express my concern over the library service on the canpuse.As a major in English,Ifind that most of the book in English in the libraryare outdate.So far,Ihave not come across a single book published affter 1995.As a result,we fail to get the lastest information of academic development both at home and abroad. hxw.red
In addition,the light in the reading room is far fron bright,which does harm for our eyes.Worse still,there is no air-conditioning and we are sweating heavily while reading.
Last but not least,the newly developed electronic information system does not work well and needs further improvement.A great number of books should have been listen in the system.
There is no denying that the library has helped us alot.But it is urgent need of improvement.When improved,the library is certain to provide much more help with our study.
Thank you for your time.I am looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,
Mr Joozone


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