标签:中考  来源:互联网  作者:本站整理  发布时间:2010-04-20  ★★★加入收藏〗〖手机版
摘要:一次难忘的经历英语作文四篇好学英文网放出来与大家共享: 主题如下: (Describe an unforgettable experience)叙述一个无法忘怀的经验 When I was six years old, my cousin in Tainan …


(Describe an unforgettable experience)叙述一个无法忘怀的经验

Everybody has some experience he cannot forget. For me, the most unforgettable experience was taking part in an English conversation test. This occurred about three years ago when I had to take an English examination, including conversation, in order to go to the United States. From hxw.red.

English was my second language; I had difficulty even with reading and writing, not to mention speaking. Naturally I was very nervous when it was my turn to face the examiners, one a gentleman and another a young lady. They asked me something about sports, sightseeing, Chinese culture, the purpose of my going to the States and so on. I was simply too nervous to be able to make any sensible answer. In fact, I could hardly open my mouth. The interview took about ten minutes, but it seemed years to me. When it was over, my shirt was thoroughly wet.

This was the first time I talked to foreigners in English. This was an experience I am not likely to forget.

  给联合国秘书长Kofi Annan写信,阐述你对世界和平现状的看法和展望,以及对联合国发挥更大作用的期待。 范文:为了便于同学们学…
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