标签:美文  来源:互联网  作者:EN.HXW.RED  发布时间:2010-01-29  ★★★加入收藏〗〖手机版
摘要:When I got up at half past six this morning,the sky was covered with dark clouds.Then I heard someone shouting,It is snowing!It is…

When I got up at half past six this morning,the sky was covered with dark clouds.Then I heard someone shouting,"It is snowing!It is snowing!"I ran out to the doorway and saw snowflakes falling gently down in the air.I was excited,because I had never seen snow in my hometown in the south.This is the first snow in Beijing this year and also the first snow I have seen in my life.I think the other freshmen at our college who come from the south must experience the same excitement just as i do.
After breakfast,the snow becomes heavier.Large flakes are flying in the air.They seem like countless white bees or small white flowers or weightless white feathers.Soon the world becomes a white one.Buildings,trees,the ground,lawns,cars,roads are all covered with white blankets of snow.The snow lends the world a particular kind of beauty.
We make a giant snowman in the basketball court,singing,dancing,shouting around it for quite a whileuntil it is lunch time.
We know the snow will benefit the wheat in the fields and do good to people's health,so we hope there will be moresnow this winter.