标签:考研  来源:互联网  作者:本站整理  发布时间:2011-07-28  ★★★加入收藏〗〖手机版
摘要:经常开车走高速的朋友,一定注意到交管部门为了提醒驾驶员切勿酒后驾车,在道路一侧矗立起标有严禁酒后驾车及其英语译文的警示牌。 但一些不懂中文的国外司机看到英文牌子,很可能就会纳闷了,因为牌子上写着:Don't drive while drinking。 珍爱生命…



As is vividly depicted in the drawing above, a drunk-driver is scolding a pedestrian who is crossing a street at zebra crossing. What is revealed in the drawing is not uncommon in our routine life and the phenomenon is most thought-provoking to each responsible citizen of our society.

Driving under influence (DUI) is a common practice for many Chinese. In many cities, police checkpoints for DUI are only set up for a month in a year or even two weeks. These occasional crackdown campaigns are like typhoons, they go as fast as they come. In the first half of this year, 222,ooo people on the Chinese mainland were found driving under influence (DUI), up 8.7 percent over the same period last year. Our roads have simply become the most dangerous in the world. With three percent of the total vehicles in the world, the country accounts for 16 percent of the global traffic deaths. Each year, some 100,000 Chinese die in traffic accidents in the country-274 deaths a day. Each year traffic accidents take away more lives in China than other mishap. An all-out war on drink and drunk driving and other forms of rash driving should definitely be a national priority.

Strong measure should be taken to prevent reckless driving, and I would suggest three steps to begin with.From hxw.red.

First, our laws should be made tougher to show zero tolerance to such murderous driving. Many countries, such as the United Sates, Sweden and Singapore, have stricter punishment for DUI.

 Second, police offices should enforce the law at all times and in all places, leaving no gaps of which violators can take advantage. Crackdown on DUI is not something that should be carried out of only two months. It should stay as long as there’s dangerous driving on our roads.

 Third, while laws and punishments are necessary, we should start educating our population about the threat of DUI on other’s lives. While driver should restrain themselves, our drinking culture, which often means endless rounds of bottoms-up, needs to be checked.



但一些不懂中文的国外司机看到英文牌子,很可能就会纳闷了,因为牌子上写着:"Don't drive while drinking"。

从语法上来看,此译文似乎无可指责,但仔细品味,"while drinking"这一现在分词的使用表示"drive"和"drink"这两个动作是不分先后,同时进行的,所以该英语译文的意思应该是:“不要一边开车一边喝酒”,这与原文警示牌的意思可是大相径庭啊。难道高速上查禁的只是驾驶中饮酒这一举动?如此这般的翻译除了从语言文字上制造了交通规则漏洞以外,只能沦为贻笑大方之谈资。

在路上,“严禁酒后驾车”也出现过下面的译法:Driving when drink forbidden和Do not drink and drive,两个译文同样都有很大的问题。前面一个译文的意思与原文已经大相径庭,变成了“严禁喝酒的时候开车”,试想有哪位司机会如此胆大包天一边开车一边喝酒?后面的译文存在的问题也差不多,也变成了“严禁一边喝酒一边开车”,其中的错误同样令人瞠目结舌。

其实,“酒后驾车”的标牌英译完全可以套用英语中的固定表达形式,如 DWI--driving while intoxicated, driving while impaired; OWI--operating while intoxicated; OMVI--operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated; DUI driving under the influence。下述表达drinking and driving, drunk and driving,do not drink and drive 也时有听到。具体来说,英语中对于“酒后驾车”的固定表达方式,依据其饮酒程度有"DUI",即 drive under the influence(of alcohol),或者是 OUI(operating under the influence);以及"drunk driving"或DWI(driving while intoxicated)。

第一种表示饮酒后驾车,第二种为醉酒后驾车。虽然世界各国对界定酒后驾车的标准不一,如日本规定驾驶员血液中酒精含量超过50mg/100ml 为酒后驾车、美国麻省的规定是驾驶员血液中酒精含量超过 80mg/100ml 属酒后驾车;而我国的《道路交通管理条例》把驾驶人员血液中酒精含量大于或等于20mg/100ml定为酒后驾车,这种情况我们可以翻译为 DUI,把驾驶人员血液中酒精含量大于或等于80mg/100ml的驾驶行为定为醉酒后驾车,我们可以翻译为 drunk driving。高速公路上的警示牌显然是用以提醒驾驶人员不要在饮酒之后驾驶车辆,所以建议把它翻译成 Don't drive under the influence,Drunken driving prohibited 或者 DUI prohibited。

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