标签:英语  来源:Joozone.Com  作者:本站整理  发布时间:2011-06-07  ★★★加入收藏〗〖手机版
摘要:成就四级写作高分的技巧汇总 学英语四级写作也是一个选择的过程,考生应有意识地选择新颖的表达法、高级的词汇、复杂的句式、贴切的例句、修辞语言、名句或谚语等,使之成为吸…

三、巧用连接词语( transitional words)

作文要以自然的过渡、流畅的行文、完整的结构等形连( coherence) 形式来赢得阅卷老师的青睐。从近几年的四级英语书面表达阅卷来看,书面表达的评卷要求提高了。除了要点齐全、表达正确之外, 我们还必须注意在句与句之间、段与段之间恰当地使用一些过渡词语, 使上下文自然、连贯、流畅、结构紧凑, 避免脱节现象, 使文章更具有条理性和逻辑性, 层次更加分明, 从而达到更好的表达效果。常用的过渡词有以下几种:

1、表示观点总结的: in my opinion, as far as I know, in a word, in brief , in short, in conclusion, to sum up 等;

2、表示先后顺序的: first and foremost, in the beginning, in the first place, in the second place, then, in the end, next, after, before, last but not least, finally 等;

3、表示举例说明的: for instance, for example, like, say, such as, a case in point. 等;

4、表示对比关系的: unlike, in contr ast to,on the contrary, different from, on one hand. . .on the other hand 等;

5、表示递进关系的: in addition, besides, furthermore, what. s more 等;

6、表示转折关系的: but, however, neverheless, nonetheless 等。

另外, 还有表让步、因果、比较、目的、条件等等共15 类过渡词, 学生可以根据需要选择合适的类型。

四、妙用警句格言( quotations and proverbs)

在写作中恰当地引用名言、警句和格言, 能使你的文章与众不同, 如同鹤立鸡群。英语中的格言和警句表达生动, 言简意赅, 能为你的写作起到锦上添花之效。如果你是谈论音乐的作用, 不妨用下面的格言来作为文章的结尾: Just as an English saying goes, / Variety is the spice of life , it is music that makes our life more colorful. So enjoy music, enjoy your life. 再如, 当你是讨论/ 课本回收再利用0 的利弊时, 在论述了课本回收再利用的好处之后, 你可以用一句英语格言来转换角度, 引入对/ 弊0 的阐述: Just as a coin has two sides, there ar e some disadvantages if epass on the used books to other students. 如果你是讨论不同的人持不同的观点时, 那么引用谚语to each his own ( 萝卜白菜, 各有所爱) , 或者One man. s meat is another. s poison. 就恰到 好处。


表人以类聚的: Bir ds of a feather flock together.

表奉献精神的: A candle lights other s and consumes itself.

表听言知人的: A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk.

表春雨及时的: April showers bring forth May flowers.

表交友慎重的: Be slow in making fr iends, slower in changing.

表劝人早起的: Ear ly to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise

等等, 都可以很好地用来给文章增色名言、警句和格言是人类语言的精髓, 平时注重积累尤为重要, 而且必须准确无误, 切不可想当然地拼凑, 否则会适得其反。


例句是作文必不可少的内容, 占近一半的比例。精心选择贴切的、针对性强的例句必定会打动评卷人。例句是主题句思想的延伸, 一定要恰当和中肯, 不可/ 过大0 或/ 过小0[ 5] , 并且由低级到高级排列, 这样才显得有层次感。比如, 2006 年写春节联欢晚会/ CCTV Spring Festival Gala0.当举例说明人们喜爱春晚的理由时, 我们不妨这样来写: Firstly, CCTV Spr ing Festival Gala is a great moment for family members to get together once a year. Secondly, it is a chance for the whole nation to shar e the same happiness and excitement in welcoming the New Year. It also offers a wonderful opportunity to manifesto to the world Chinese great achievements in the past year . 三个例句既贴近现实生活, 又针对春节的独特性, 而且遵循/ 家庭) 国家) 世界0 由低级到高级的顺序排列, 层次分明, 逻辑关系明确。


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