标签:英语  来源:作文地带  作者:本站整理  发布时间:2011-03-31  ★★★加入收藏〗〖手机版
摘要:在英语中,句子的被动意义常用动词的被动语态来表达(即be+动词的过去分词)。 用英语的过程中不难发现某些句子结构中的动词形式在表示被动意义时并非局限于常见的由过去分词…

好学英文网导读:在英语中,句子的被动意义常用动词的被动语态来表达(即be+动词的过去分词)。 用英语的过程中不难发现某些句子结构中的动词形式在表示被动意义时并非局限于常见的由过去分词


Her novels sell well.她的小说销路好。(=Her novels are sold well.)

No sooner had he entered the room than the door closed.他刚一进屋,屋门就关上了。

All substances consist of small particles.所有物质都是由离子组成。

The book is printing.书正在萤(=The book is being printed.)

The movie is worth watching.这部电影值得一看。(=The movie is worthy to be watched.)

I have a few words to say.我有几句话要说。(=I have a few words to be said.)

从以上例句中,我们可以看出英语中表示被动意义的还可以是动词的主动形式(包括某些动词,动词短语,动词进行体,动词的 -ing形式及动词不定式)。


常见的这类动词有:sell,wear,lock, feel,peel,open,close,change,end,burst,increase,act,read,write,wash,taste,smell,etc.例如:

Nowadays leather shoes won’t wear long.如今的皮鞋不耐穿。

The door locks easily.这门容易锁上。

Iron feels very cold in winter.冬天,铁摸起来很冷。

The library opens at 7:30.图书馆7:30开门。

The balloon suddenly burst.气球突然爆炸了。

At that time the prices always increased.那时物价总是上涨。

The food tastes delicious.这吃的尝起来味道很好。


常见的这类动词短语(有的本身就含有被动意义)有:consist of,add up to,divide into/go into,take place,come into being,run out,etc.例如:

Great changes have taken place in China recently.近年来,中国发生了巨大的变化。

All the gasoline has run out.所有的汽油都用完了。

Water consists of Oxygen and Hydrogen.

The class divides into four groups.这个班分成4组。

All the single number adds up to a large number.所有这些单个数加起来就是个大数。


常见的这类动词(往往不强调这些动词动作的发出者)有:print,bake,bind,cook, owe,etc.例如:

The breakfast is cooking.正在做早饭。

The book is binding.书正在装订。

The bread is baking.正在烤面包。

$100is still owing to me.还欠我$100。


常见动词如:need,deserve,require,want, be worth等词后可跟主动语态的动名词表示被动意义,相当于"to be +动词的过去分词。例如:

The classroom needs cleaning.教室需要打扫。(=The classroom needs to be cleaned.) The murderer deserves hanging.杀人犯该绞死。(= The murderer deserves to be hanged.)
