标签:英语  来源:新东方  作者:本站整理  发布时间:2011-06-15  ★★★加入收藏〗〖手机版
摘要:2011年6月英语四级语法题考点经典总结 一、 非谓语动词 近几年的语法测试中非谓语动词约占31.1%,平均每年近5道题,可谓是语法项目考查的重点,那么非谓语动词的考查都有哪些特点…

4) 做状语的非谓语动词的选择


① ______ the earth to be flat, many feared that Columbus would fall off the edge of the earth.(1996.6)

A. Having believed   B. Believing   C. Believed   D. Being Believed

② _______ a teacher in a university, it is necessary to have at least a master's degree.(1995.1)

A. To become   B. Become   C. One becomes   D. On becoming

③ Realizing that he hadn't enough money and ____ to borrow from his father, he decided to sell his watch.(1995.1)

A. not wanted   B. no to want   C. not wanting   D. wanting not

④ ___ it or not, his discovery has created a stir in scientific circles.(1997.1)

A. Believe   B. To believe   C. Believing   D. Believed








(4) 独立成分

有些非谓语动词的使用不受与句子主语关系的限制,称为独立成分,这类成 分只记忆即可。如:

generally speaking, judging from..., to tell the truth..., 等。

5) 做补足语的非谓语动词的选择


① They are going to have the service man ____ an electric fan in the office tomorrow.(1998.1)

A. install   B. to install   C. to be installed   D. installed

② After a few rounds of talks, both sides regarded the territory

dispute ______.(1998.6)

A. being settled   B. to be settled   C. had settled   D. as settled

③ You will see this product ____ wherever you go.(2000.6)

A. to be advertised   B. advertised   C. advertise   D. advertising

④ His remarks left me _____ about his real purpose.(1999.6)

A. wondered   B. wonder   C. to wonder   D. wondering

⑤ When I caught him ______ me I stopped buying things there and started dealing with another shop.(1997.1)

A. cheating   B. cheat   C. to cheat   D. to be cheating

⑥ The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the

audience _____ on benches, chairs or boxes.(2000.1)

A. having seated   B. seating   C. seated   D. having been seated



have, make, let, leave等特殊单词后的宾语补足语。




6) 做表语的非谓语动词的选择


① The house was very quiet, ____ as it was on the side of the


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