奥运会来了 The Coming of Olympic Games
  My father likes to watch all kinds of sports, so when I spend the time with him, we watch the match together…|07-22
来源:互联网作者:EN.HXW.RED收 藏

法国杂志社的枪击 Gunshot In French Magazine Office
  During the last decade, many gunshot cases were reported, though people around the world were against the vi…|07-21
来源:互联网作者:EN.HXW.RED收 藏

少女梦 The Young Girl’s Dream
  When I was very small, I dreamed to be a princess and when I was in primary school, I dreamed to be a teache…|07-21
来源:互联网作者:EN.HXW.RED收 藏

文学小说 The Literary Novel
  My parents are teachers, so they want me to read more books. When I started to learn reading, they bought me…|07-20
来源:互联网作者:EN.HXW.RED收 藏

电子书的好处 The Advantages of E-books
  With the development of technology, today, our life is facilitated with all kinds information sources. We ca…|07-20
来源:互联网作者:EN.HXW.RED收 藏

充满挑战的人生 The Life With Challenges
  When I come to the middle school, I feel so excited, because I want to learn more knowledge and prepare for …|07-19
来源:互联网作者:EN.HXW.RED收 藏

如果植入记忆芯片 If Memory Chip were Implanted
  I have a bad memory, when my mother asks me something, I will always forget and can’t remember it. As the im…|07-19
来源:互联网作者:EN.HXW.RED收 藏

邮递员 The Postman
  Every morning, my mother will check on the mail box and see if there is letters. I know the postman well, he…|07-18
来源:互联网作者:EN.HXW.RED收 藏