No pain, no gain, the high salary comes from hard work. Just like our study, if we want to do well, we must …|02-18
来源:互联网作者:EN.HXW.RED|收 藏
I am seven years old now, though I am very small, I am on the way to grow up. Two years ago, I couldn’t go o…|02-18
来源:互联网作者:EN.HXW.RED|收 藏
When we talk about model, we will have the skinny body shape and beautiful face image in our mind. It is the…|02-17
来源:互联网作者:EN.HXW.RED|收 藏
Since the policy of one child policy carried on, many families raised only a kid. When the children grew up,…|02-17
来源:互联网作者:EN.HXW.RED|收 藏
When I was small, I was taught that we should help others, though it was not our duty, we should take no hes…|02-17
来源:互联网作者:EN.HXW.RED|收 藏
My mother takes care of me all the time, I am very thankful for her protection. But sometimes I feel like th…|02-17
来源:互联网作者:EN.HXW.RED|收 藏
In Chinese tradition, when the festival comes or when people are having big days, they will play firecracker…|02-16
来源:互联网作者:EN.HXW.RED|收 藏
When I was small, I fell in love with tennis, so I like to watch tennis match so much. Today, the tennis pla…|02-16
来源:互联网作者:EN.HXW.RED|收 藏