标签:美人鱼  来源:互联网  作者:本站整理  发布时间:2015-09-14  ★★★加入收藏〗〖手机版
电影中的美人鱼 Mermaid in the Movie
摘要:在丹麦的童话故事里,美人鱼是美丽,善良和纯洁的象征。小美人鱼的故事感动了很多人,她牺牲了自己,救了王子。但是在现代的电影里,美人鱼颠覆了人们的认 识,它是魔鬼的象征。…

电影中的美人鱼 Mermaid in the Movie

In Denmark’s fairy tale, mermaid is the symbol of beauty, kindness and pureness. The story of little mermaid moves people, she sacrifices herself and saves the prince. But in the modern movies, mermaid subverts people’s recognition, it is the symbol of evil. In the movie, the mermaids are still beautiful outside and they use their faces and beautiful voice to lure the human beings. When people get close to them, they will change their faces and eat them. What’s the mermaid’s real face, angle or evil?We don’t know, it has the different faces among different people. Mermaid lives in the fairy tale, for kids, they just need to believe in its beautiful sides.

在丹麦的童话故事里,美人鱼是美丽,善良和纯洁的象征。小美人鱼的故事感动了很多人,她牺牲了自己,救了王子。但是在现代的电影里,美人鱼颠覆了人们的认 识,它是魔鬼的象征。在电影里,美人鱼外表很漂亮,它们用外表和动听的歌声来引诱人们接近。当人们接近它们,美人鱼就会变脸,并且吃人。美人鱼的真正脸面 是什么,天使还是魔鬼?我们不知道,在不同的人眼里有不同的样子。美人鱼存在于童话故事里,对于孩子来说,他们只要相信美好的方面就可以了。

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