标签:英语  来源:互联网  作者:本站整理  发布时间:2011-01-19  ★★★加入收藏〗〖手机版
摘要:批评与自我批评英语作文 criticism ['krt,szm] [词典释义]n. 1. 批评;评论 2. 苛求,挑剔,指责 3. 考证 [网络释义]criticism 1.批评,评论 2.批评批判 3.批判主义 4.评鉴 Criticism 1.批评 2.评…


criticism ['krɪtə,sɪzəm]

[词典释义]n. 1. 批评;评论 2. 苛求,挑剔,指责 3. 考证
[网络释义]criticism 1.批评,评论 2.批评批判 3.批判主义 4.评鉴 Criticism 1.批评 2.评论



 It is not unusual for people to be subject to criticism. Anyone may be criticised by others in his work or study. For example: workers who fail to accomplish their tasks will be criticised. Students who have poor performance in exams will be criticised.

Attitudes towards criticism differ from person to person. Some people will become annoyed if they are criticised and they will try to excuse themselves by all means. Some people tend to be indifferent criticism. They just regard criticism as nonsenses. But still some people accept criticism modestly and try to find their shortcomings by other's criticism. These people stand a better chance of success in their life.

As to me, I welcome other's criticism to me. I have always believed the Chinese saying,"Good medicine but taste bitter will heal one's illness". In my opinion, the criticism will make us unhappy. It can help us know our shortcomings and inadequacy. Therefore,we should take other's criticism seriously, instead being annoyed with or turning a deaf ear to it.