标签:考研  来源:英语作文网  作者:本站整理  发布时间:2010-02-03  ★★★加入收藏〗〖手机版
摘要:大家经过了考研的初试经历后,开始准备复试,今天好学英文网考研英语复试攻略,后附下载文档,希望对各位考生准备英语口试方面有所帮助!后附下载.doc文件地址: http://www.joozone.com/xiazai/1861.html 各位学员: 大家好! 首…

Five years are quite a long time, I would like to divide it into two parts for my future plan. In the three years of postgraduate in this university, if I am admitted, I will spend our my efforts on the knowledge of my major and skills concerned, and try to learn more interpersonal skills at the same time.

After equipping myself full, when I will get my master’s degree, I will immense myself into the society in the next two years. I will find a job which I love and specialize in so that I can make a contribution to our nation as well as the society.

(14).What is your greatest strength? (你最突出的优点是什么?)

As for my strongest strength, I think it is my conscientiousness in work and learning, which promotes me to develop unceasingly and devote myself in my work and do a good job. I think it is helpful for my future work.


1. 一般描述特长的形容词

honest 诚实

easy-going 随和


quick-learning 学习能力强的

confident 自信

2. 表示特长的名词:

perseverance 坚持

dedication 奉献

team-spirit 团队精神

(15). What is your greatest weakness? (你最大的弱点是什么?)

1. 相关表达:

be lack of experience缺乏经验

be lack of proper planning 缺乏合理的计划

drive myself work too hard 辛苦工作

set high goals 制定高目标

be eager to complete an assignment 急于完成任务

critical to others 对其他人要求严格

2. 相关句型:

My greatest weakness lies in

My greatest weakness is

I am…, I think that is my greatest weakness.

I’ m a perfectionist that I always require myself get a job well done.

3. 范例

There is no perfect man in the world, so do I. I feel that my greatest weakness is that I often devote nearly all the time in work. Sometimes I even forget to do some excises. Although this weakness makes me sad sometimes, I try my best to overcome it. hxw.red

  你价意被称为坏学生吗?当然不。就我所知,每个人都打算做模范学生。 如何做一名三好学生呢,请看这篇英语作文。…
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