studying at home or studying at traditional schools
  In the future ,students may have the choice of studying at home by using technology such as comput…|01-30
来源:互联网作者:本站整理收 藏

Visit a foreign country
  You have the opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks. Which country would you like to…|01-30
来源:互联网作者:本站整理收 藏

Borrow Money
  It is sometimes said that borrowing money from a friend can harm or damage the friendship. Do you …|01-30
来源:互联网作者:本站整理收 藏

  Every generation of people is different in important ways. How is your generation different from y…|01-30
来源:互联网作者:本站整理收 藏

独处vs.与朋友们在一起   Being alone or staying with friends
来源:互联网作者:本站整理收 藏

  吸烟有害健康,但是烟草生意依然很火爆,生活中的烟民、二手烟牺牲者数量只增不减,如何能够大幅度的或者彻底的禁止吸烟,非常值得我们关注!World governments should conduct…|07-10
来源:互联网作者:本站整理收 藏

  1.red states/blue states(红州/蓝州) 共和党支持率较高的州在大选地图上用红色标示,蓝色则代表民主党 2.Two Americas(两个美国) 两个美国的意思是:一个富人的…|09-11
来源:互联网作者:本站整理收 藏

  It is not easy having a job away from home, but it is an essential part of work-family life. Given…|08-25
来源:互联网作者:本站整理收 藏

  谢振礼托福范文 :祖孙之间 TOEFL 2012年9月8日真题 Advice from Grandparents 类似真题还原:Independent Writing Topic Do you a…|09-13
来源:互联网作者:本站整理收 藏

  理解英语作文 下面为大家整理的是一篇关于 understanding 的SAT写作6分范文,这篇SAT写作范文的主要内容是讨论了为了认识自己,我们是否需要他人?这是一个相对比较抽象的写作题目,大家…|08-12
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